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How to Include Interests on a Resume

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When it comes to crafting a strong targeted resume, many job seekers tend to focus solely on their work experience and technical skills, overlooking the potential value of including personal interests.

However, showcasing your interests on a resume can provide valuable insights into your personality, skills, and unique qualities that make you stand out as a candidate.

In this post, we’ll discuss how to choose which interests to include, how to format and place them on your resume, and provide tips on how to write about your interests in a way that highlights your strengths and makes you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

So, let’s dive straight in!

Choosing Which Interests to Include

When deciding which interests to include on your resume, it’s important to choose wisely.

While listing your hobbies or interests may seem trivial, they can actually demonstrate valuable qualities that employers are looking for in a candidate.

Here are some tips for choosing the right interests to include on your resume:

Relevance to the Job or Industry: One of the most important factors to consider when choosing which interests to include is relevance to the job or industry. For example, if you’re applying for a job in the tech industry, listing interests such as coding or attending tech conferences can show that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about the field.

Uniqueness: While it’s important to show that you have the necessary skills and qualifications for the job, it’s also important to stand out from other candidates. Including unique interests that demonstrate your personality or skills can help you stand out in a sea of applicants.

Demonstrating Desirable Qualities: Your interests can also demonstrate desirable qualities such as teamwork, leadership, and creativity. For example, if you’re a member of a sports team, it can show that you’re a team player and have strong communication skills.

Keeping these factors in mind can help you choose the right interests to include on your resume that will help you stand out as a qualified and unique candidate.

Find out: How to Decide If You Should Turn Your Hobby into Your Life’s Work

Formatting and Placement

Once you have chosen the interests you want to include on your resume, the next step is to think about how to format and place them.

There are different ways to do this, depending on your personal preference and the type of job you are applying for.

One option is to create a separate section for your interests. This can be titled “Interests,” “Hobbies,” or “Extracurricular Activities.” This allows you to showcase your personality and interests in a prominent and organized way.

However, it is important to remember that this section should not overshadow your work experience or skills section.

Another option is to integrate your interests into your work experience or skills section. This can be a good option if you have participated in activities that demonstrate skills relevant to the job you are applying for.

For example, if you are applying for a job in sales, you could mention your experience playing team sports to highlight your teamwork and leadership skills.

When it comes to placement, it is important to consider the overall flow and readability of your resume. If you choose to create a separate section for your interests, it is recommended to place it towards the end of your resume, after your work experience and education sections.

On the other hand, if you choose to integrate your interests into your work experience or skills section, be strategic about where you place them. Make sure they are relevant to the specific skill or experience you are highlighting and that they flow naturally within the section.

Generally, the formatting and placement of your interests should complement the rest of your resume and help to tell a cohesive and compelling story about who you are as a candidate.

Find out: The Top 10 Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job

Writing About Interests

Now that you have chosen which interests to include on your resume, it’s important to know how to write about them in a way that will highlight your skills, personality, and unique traits.

Here are some tips to help you write about your interests effectively:

Be Specific: Don’t just list generic interests like “reading” or “watching movies.” Instead, be specific and mention what type of books you like to read or what genre of movies you enjoy. This will provide more insight into your personality and can help you stand out.

Highlight Relevant Skills: If your interests have helped you develop skills that are relevant to the job, make sure to highlight them. For example, if you enjoy playing team sports, you could mention how it has helped you develop strong teamwork and communication skills.

Show Your Passion: Use enthusiastic language when writing about your interests to show your passion. Employers are often looking for candidates who are passionate and enthusiastic about their work, and showcasing your enthusiasm for your interests can help demonstrate that.

Connect Your Interests to the Job: Try to make a connection between your interests and the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, you could mention how your interest in photography has helped you develop an eye for detail and composition.

Be Honest: Don’t include interests that you don’t actually have just because you think they will impress the employer. Be honest and genuine about your interests, as this will come across in your writing and during the interview process.

By following these tips, you can effectively write about your interests on your resume and demonstrate why they make you a strong candidate for the job.

Remember, your interests can help set you apart from other candidates and provide insights into your skills and abilities beyond your work experience.

Examples of Interests

Including interests on your resume can help you demonstrate that you’re a well-rounded individual with a diverse set of skills and experiences.

Here are some examples of interests that can be relevant to certain industries or job types:

Volunteering: If you’re looking for a job in the social sector, volunteering for a non-profit organization can demonstrate your passion for making a difference in your community.

Team Sports: Playing team sports like basketball or soccer can showcase your ability to work well with others, communicate effectively, and collaborate towards a common goal. These skills can be particularly valuable in sales or other customer-facing roles.

Creative Pursuits: If you’re interested in creative pursuits like writing, photography, or design, including these interests on your resume can show that you have a creative mindset and are able to think outside the box. These skills can be particularly valuable in fields like marketing or advertising.

Travel: If you’ve traveled extensively, this can demonstrate your adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and willingness to step outside your comfort zone. These traits can be particularly valuable in international business or diplomacy.

Community Involvement: If you’re active in your community, whether it’s through participating in local events or serving on a community board, this can demonstrate your leadership skills, passion for service, and ability to make connections with others.

Remember, when including interests on your resume, it’s important to choose interests that are relevant to the job or industry you’re applying for, and that demonstrate desirable qualities such as teamwork, creativity, adaptability, and leadership.

By including these interests, you can show potential employers that you’re more than just your work experience, and that you have a wide range of skills and experiences to bring to the table.


Including interests on your resume can be a great way to showcase your unique qualities and stand out as a candidate.

By choosing interests that are relevant to the job or industry, formatting them appropriately, and writing about them in a way that highlights your skills and personality, you can demonstrate your value as a potential employee beyond your work experience.

So, don’t be afraid to include your interests on your resume, and remember to tailor them to the specific job or industry you’re applying for.

If you’re looking to create a standout resume that includes your interests and effectively showcases your skills and experience, consider using CEOMichaelHR Resume Writing Service. With years of experience in the industry and a team of expert writers, we can help you create a winning resume that will get you noticed by employers. So, why wait? Work with us today to take your job search to the next level.


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