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Never Rely on AI to Write Your Resume?

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The increasing popularity of artificial intelligence has started a debate on whether its over-dependency is beneficial for humanity. A huge group thinks that the use of AI and other advanced technologies must be discouraged or that they’re most likely to replace people in the workforce. 

In the past few years, we have also seen an increasing use of AI tools in important tasks such as writing resumes.

We have a very strong opinion about this, and in this article, we will discuss in detail why you shouldn’t rely on artificial intelligence for at least writing your resumes

Potential Downsides of Using an AI Tool for Writing Resumes!

Before putting a resume-related prompt on Chat GPT., you must read some of the cons as to why you should avoid relying on AI writing solutions for crafting a resume.


1.   Lack of Human Observation and Emotions

First, you should know that AI writing tools always lack human emotions and personality. If you ask AI to structure your resume with bullet points, it will not know how to present your journey or experience logically.

In addition, it would be impossible for you to present your interest and passion for the role you are applying for. This is why you must ensure you write your resume/cover letter.

2.   Lack of Creative Narrative 

Gone are the days when resumes were only a source of presenting your previous job experience and education. Today, a well-written resume can creatively convey your career story.

But this is not possible if you are using AI writing tools. AI resume writer tools cannot communicate your journey creatively and engagingly. By building a narrative, you can easily connect with the hiring manager on an emotional level.

3.   Lack of Dynamic Adaption

Industry-related trends keep on changing. You must add the most relevant details in resume writing according to the ongoing market trends and demands.

AI tools are trained on historical data but cannot adapt to modern changes. This is why experts recommend always writing customized resumes on their own.

4.   Chances of Rejection Because of AI

The most important reason you must avoid using AI-powered resume writing tools is that they are easily detectable because of their robotic terms and style.

Most employers would not accept AI-written resumes as it shows that you are not interested in the job you are applying for. If you want them to show that you have passion for the job, you need to convey it through your resume or cover letter. 

5.   Overemphasis on Keywords/Stuffing

Many companies today rely on the most advanced tracking systems to scan resumes and pick up keywords and phrases that relate most to the job description.

For this reason, most resume writing tools include many keywords and phrases. Overstuffing keywords can make it sound stilted and unnatural, so it is important to avoid completely relying on resume writing tools. 

So, Can I Use AI Tools to Write My Resume?

We have discussed some drawbacks of completely relying on AI tools to create your resume, but that doesn’t mean you cannot get help from them.

You can get help from AI tools to craft a powerful resume. You can collaborate with these tools and get inspiration or samples if it’s your first time writing a resume. 

Most people today shy away from asking for help, especially when writing resumes. This is where AI resume writing tools can be helpful.

These tools can guide you about where to begin and the necessary things to add to your CV/resume. 

Tips to Use AI for Improving Your Resume

Here are some tips you need to consider if you are planning on using AI for resume writing. 

1.   Don’t Share Your Details

When using AI tools such as ChatGPT to improve your resume, you need to be careful about the information you share with these tools.

AI tools would use your data to train their language models, so providing your details can result in privacy-related issues.

This is why experts recommend that you be cautious when giving prompts to AI tools. It is best to ask these tools to provide you with a reference CV sample and, based on it, create your own.

2.   Never Copy/Paste Content from AI Tools

If you are creating professional summaries, descriptions, or complete resume samples, you must never copy content and paste it on your resume verbatim.

This is because AI-generated content might have errors and inaccurate information in it. You must use the AI resume content as a reference. You can use it after proper proofreading and editing, which will help you convey your style and passion. 

3.   Humanize AI-Generated Text

Today, you can access free humanizer tools that can help you convert AI-written text in human wording and a natural style/tone.

AI resume writing tools would generally create robotic text that you can humanize within seconds with the ai to human text converter.

The humanizer would remove the overstuffing of keywords, eliminate robotic phrases, and simplify the content to make it more digestible and engaging for the hiring manager. 


Writing a resume is not easy, especially if it’s your first time. Many people today rely on AI writing tools to create content for their resumes or cover letters.

Using AI tools can no doubt streamline your work, but we would not recommend you overly depend on these tools, especially when presenting your resume. 

This guide explains some of the common drawbacks of using AI tools for complete resume writing. Having explained these cons, it is also important to note that using modern tools and technologies for your help is okay.

You can use these tools to get references and samples for a professional resume. You can also create grammatically accurate content with the help of AI tools.

As for the robotic style and tone, you can always use an online humanizer program. These can be used to naturalize text created by ChatGPT and other AI-powered tools.


Further Reading

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