Research proves that your relationship with your boss is one of the most important factors of your work experience.
We’d all love to live in a world where everyone likes everyone else, and our work-days go by in an outburst of friendly waves and gracious smiles.
Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way.
If your boss doesn’t have confidence in you, you’re likely to miss out on plum opportunities.
Sometimes it starts out as perhaps, the way they look at you or the way you always get the less-desirable tasks.
At the end of this piece, you will immensely understand possible ways to have a peaceful coexistence with your employers.

What to do When Your Boss Doesn’t Like You
Below are possible ways to have a peaceful coexistence with your employers when they don’t like you.
1. Examine Yourself
Have you ever found yourself always skipping interaction with your boss or possibly nurturing bad feelings resulting from how he or she views you?
It is normal to develop cold feet towards people whom we think does not like us.
In this situation, all you need do is to first of all believe in yourself by building confidence and avoiding fears.
Find every opportunity to engage your boss in valuable interactions and show respect and positive regard in every little way.
You may be able to turn situation around by making multiple effort to be nice.
2. Improve Your Performance
If you think or assume your boss doesn’t like you due to your performance, then you can act fast by changing his perception.
You can do this by carrying out a self-evaluation through boosting your esteem.
Believe you can perform any task given to you by your boss and ensure you update him continually on your activities and accomplishments, so he will be aware of your contributions.
Have a dialogue about areas of potential improvement and further draft a plan to address these issues.
More frequent performance evaluations can be placed on request until your boss certify that you’re beyond expectation.
3. Do Stay Involved
One of the most possible ways to win your boss’s attention is to stay involved.
Ensure that you participate and display your potential whenever duty calls.
Be willing to execute your ideas ranging from big projects to team meetings.
You should be sure that your boss sees you right in the thick of things.
A good way to attract his mind towards you is for you to continue to be a strong contributing member to your department.
Your boss will be left with no choice than to respect the way you handle your business and how much value and credibility you add to the team even when it seems he doesn’t like you.
Finally, it’s not enough to just be getting work done.
Ensure to be immersed in your team and company while proving that you are the genius behind the wheel.
4. Be Regular To Work
Sometimes it’s hard to find yourself giving your best to a job where your value is not appreciated or your boss doesn’t care to appreciate your effort.
Never allow that to demoralize you.

Cultivating the habit of waking up to work a little early each day and for meetings tells of your confidence and readiness to work.
in this case, you must learn to put your focus on your job along with your team and try not to think about the boss too much.
Note that you are doing this for the sake of your career and not theirs.
5. Maintain A Positive Boss/Employee Relationship
Maintaining a positive relationship with your boss really matters as it goes a long way to determining your future career.
When you happen to find yourself in an organization or company where the boss doesn’t like you, bear in mind that you might need a reference at some point in the future or your employer may secretly conduct a background check reaching out to your boss.
In this case, you have to do all it takes to work hard and maintain high performance standards while you think of other alternative options.
And if you decide to quit, make sure you remain professional and cordial in your resignation letter.
During job interviews please avoid complaining about your past employer as your interviewer may likely take side with the boss and assume to find you difficult to work with.
Maintaining a positive relationship with your boss is highly important.
In conclusion, research proves that your relationship with your boss is one of the most important factors in your work experience and can affect your subsequent job search as earlier stated in the introduction.
It is important to maintain a healthy working relationship with your boss and quit assuming facts that will bewilder you from giving your best to your job.
Fostering a good relationship with your team can help identify you as an asset to them even before your boss.