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6 Simple Tips to Master Your Employment Gap Explanation

As seen in:

"Balancing the amount of information we provide when explaining an employment gap can be tricky. It's important to strike the right balance between sharing too much or too little, and finding that sweet spot where just the right amount of detail is given."

Taking a break from your professional life can happen for various reasons, and that’s perfectly fine.

Perhaps you cared for a loved one, prioritized your family, pursued further education, or embarked on a journey to explore the world. Now, you feel ready to re-enter the job market.

However, don’t be too hasty.

In case there are gaps in your work history on your resume, expect potential employers to inquire about them.

Although the question may seem straightforward, providing a clear answer can be a challenge. You may know why you took a break, but can you articulate how it benefited you?

Remember, you’re competing against candidates who have been continuously employed.

Rather than succumbing to stress and stumbling over your words during an interview, come prepared to confidently explain your employment gap.

These six tips will help you excel at answering the inevitable “What have you been up to?” question.

1. Be mindful of oversharing – a momentary lapse of judgment could lead to divulging excessive information

While sharing stories of your adventures or parenting struggles can be compelling, it’s important to consider the context and audience.

Does your interviewer need to know about your six-month backpacking trip through Southeast Asia or every detail of your child’s bedtime routine? Probably not.

Similarly, if you’ve experienced hardships that resulted in a gap in your employment history, be cautious when discussing them.

It’s understandable to want to explain any gaps, but some details may be better left unsaid, especially when speaking with strangers who may not know how to respond.

It’s critical to strike a balance between being honest and forthcoming, without oversharing or risking an emotional breakdown.

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2. Offer an Explanation

Finding the right balance between oversharing and cloaking yourself in mystery is crucial when explaining a career break.

It’s okay to offer an explanation for your absence, whether it’s taking time off to care for your loved ones, recuperating from years of high-pressure work or tending to family obligations.

However, it’s important to avoid over-justifying or feeling the need to prove anything.

Remember that sharing the reason for your employment gap can help hiring managers understand your situation and reassure them that you didn’t simply run away.

Just be mindful of how much detail you disclose and focus on finding a healthy middle ground.

3. Emphasize Fresh Skills

While being able to change a diaper in under a minute is certainly impressive, it may not count as a new skill set in the job market.

Make sure to mention any volunteer work, courses, certifications, or conferences you attended during your time away from work.

Even if none of these options are relevant, chances are you’ve developed a new soft skill.

Some general soft skills that you can discuss during an interview include effective communication, adaptability, problem-solving, and keen observation.

It’s essential to demonstrate, not just tell.

Offer specific examples and situations that showcase how you’ve improved your communication or how you’ve become more comfortable adapting to unforeseen circumstances.

Highlighting your growth during your employment gap is admirable, so don’t forget to emphasize it.

4. Emphasize Why Now’s the Time

As you consider re-entering the workforce, it’s important to communicate to potential employers why now is the right time for you to do so.

If you took a break from your career without a clear plan, it’s essential to clarify why you’re choosing to return now instead of waiting longer.

While you don’t need to justify your decision, it’s helpful to share that you’ve used your time off to achieve personal and professional growth.

Maybe you pursued additional education, took time to travel or care for family members, or even started your own business. Through highlighting these experiences, you can show that you’re bringing new skills and perspectives to the table.

Be concise in your explanation, and emphasize your enthusiasm for returning to work. By doing so, you’ll demonstrate your commitment and dedication to your career and show that you’re ready to tackle new challenges.

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5. Be Confident

One crucial aspect of addressing employment gaps is to exude confidence in your explanation.

If you appear uncertain or unconfident, your prospective employer may become doubtful as well. Believe in your story and be clear in your explanation of the gap.

It’s important not to underestimate the value of what you’ve been doing during that gap period.

Caring for a sick parent or raising children are both challenging responsibilities that require tremendous dedication and effort.

Pursuing higher education, such as earning a master’s degree, is a significant accomplishment that reflects your determination and drive.

Embrace your choice and express it confidently.

Remember that an employment gap does not define you as a person or a professional. Instead, it’s an opportunity to showcase your adaptability and resilience.

Through demonstrating your confidence and owning your decision, you can leave a lasting impression on your potential employer and demonstrate why you are the right candidate for the job.

6. Move On

It’s understandable to worry about the impression an employment gap may leave, but dwelling on it won’t do you any favors.

While it’s essential to address the gap when necessary, don’t let it dominate the conversation.

Give a brief explanation, focus on the positive outcomes of your decision, and emphasize why you’re eager to return to work.

Don’t feel the need to justify your choices or overshare details.

Remember, your employment gap is just a small part of your overall experience and capabilities. Instead of fixating on it, showcase your previous accomplishments and expertise.

You have much to offer, and there’s no reason to let a brief hiatus define you or your potential as an employee.

With the right mindset and approach, you can confidently move past any employment gaps and onto a fulfilling career.

So don’t let a temporary setback hold you back – it’s time to focus on your strengths and move forward.

Now that you know how to explain gaps in employment during the interview process, make sure you’re presenting it effectively on your resume.


Further Reading

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