Nannies are tasked with the responsibilities of modeling the behavior and interests of children for busy parents.
Show parents you have the skills necessary to care for kids by looking at our nanny resume examples and full resume writing tips.
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Let our CEOMichaelHR certified resume writers take the guesswork out of resume writing by summing up and showing off your nanny skills and experience.
Nanny Resume Example (ATS template)

Nanny Resume Example (Custom template)

Our resume samples are written by certified resume writers and this is an excellent representation of what recruiters are looking for in a Nanny resume.
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A nanny is someone who baby-sits a child. That is, they offer child care services when the parents of the child or other family members are not available.
The job of a nanny has been underestimated by many to be easy, whereas being a nanny requires that you are highly organized, patient, and innovative.
Below are basic duties and responsibilities of a nanny:
- Bath and dress the kids
- Home-keeping
- Help with kid’s school assignment or homework
- Plan and cook hygienic meals
- Change diapers for babies
- Transport children to and from school
- Undertake outdoor and indoor activities with children
- Read to the children
- Organize children’s bedroom and play areas
- Perform children’s laundry
- Run errands
- Create a safe environment for children
- Teach children social manner
- Teach children to have self-control
- Teach children personal hygiene
- Schedule visit to the dentist, saloon, and doctor
Becoming a successful candidate for nanny jobs goes further than just appearing at your employer’s house and telling them you want the job, urgh! That sounds odd, right?
Well, to sound and appear professional, the first thing to do is to draft your nanny resume using our nanny resume examples.
Wondering what should be included in your nanny resume? Let’s get to it!
Tired of not landing interviews?
Get our free 3-step guide to writing better resume bullet points, featuring
70+metric ideas you can use!
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Nanny Resume Examples: Should You Put Nanny Experience On A Resume?

Nannying is childcare taken to a whole new level.
This often entails long hours of work, multiple responsibilities, and a level of care beyond that of other jobs.
You might wonder if this experience should be included on a resume? If yes, then for how long?
Since nannying in most cases are full-time jobs, it is considered very important and highly necessary to list on a resume.
The only condition upon which you may choose not to include your nanny experience is if you do not find it relevant to the position you’re applying for.
While we recommend that you list your nannying experience on your resume, we advise you do not list a nannying experience that was very short-term, such as 2-weeks or even one-month job duration.
This will make your potential recruiter wonder why you were only able to stay in the position for such a short period of time.
They may begin to question your professionalism as they assume you had a bad parting with your former employer.
It is safe to include your nannying experience worked over a few months.
Also, you can include your nannying experience if you are seeking positions in the childcare or educational sectors.
More importantly, looking to volunteer or tutor kids? Or any job you think your nannying experience may help you succeed, listing your experience will be great.
The childcare industry is evergreen, therefore makes nannying experience invaluable for those who choose career paths involving children.
You can include nannying experience on your resume if you’re targeting jobs along the lines of teaching, babysitting or even a new nanny position.
Now that you know what kind of nannying experience is great to put on your resume, you’ll want to know how you can best format this experience on your nanny resume.
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How To List Nanny Experience On A Professional Resume?
Since we have established nanny role to be a job just as any other professional job, your nannying experience should be formatted and listed in the experience section of your resume.
Ensure to include your extensive responsibilities and key skills in their respective sections on your resume.
Note that the job of a Nanny differs from that of a Babysitter as nannying is more of a full-time role.
The Nanny role encompasses raising kids almost on a daily basis, however a Babysitter is usually tasked with the sole responsibility of watching children at scheduled times, or days when the parents are not around.
Being that the Nanny position is a full-time job, it is best to list it in the professional experience section of your nanny resume.
This section should be tailored in reverse-chronological order, and don’t forget to include the job position, title, and the respective date duration of work.
Was it a live-in experience? Include this information in the position title only if it is relevant.
However, if you are applying to do home-care or home-nannying, this information is not relevant to an employer and should be ignored.
Ensure your responsibilities are tailored in a way that makes them both relevant and very impressive.
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Below is an example of a well formatted nanny experience:
Professional Experience
Household Nanny | Mar 2016 – Dec 2022> Ensured the proper daily care of three children aged 6-12
> Completed task lists including driving, cooking, and tutoring
> Maintained a daily schedule of appointments and deadlines
What Skills To Include When Listing Nanny Experience On A Resume?
While being a nanny makes you accomplish several more tasks that can fit in one section, there are a list of extensive skills to highlight when listing nannying experience on your resume.
Typical tasks include childcare, cooking, cleaning, and task management.
Because you’ll need to tailor each experience to match each new employer’s needs, you’ll only select tasks that are most suitable and relevant to your target position.
Peruse below examples of skills from a nannying job:
- Childcare
- Infant care
- Homework assistance
- Tutoring
- Personal shopping
- Cooking
- Diet management
- Cleaning
- Appointment scheduling
It is interesting to know that these skills are mostly self-taught!
When you include skills like these as part of your nanny experience, it is a great way to show industry relevance even if you’re applying to jobs outside childcare sectors.
Perhaps you have other relevant jobs you prefer to highlight as a better representation of your skillset, it is okay leaving the nannying job out of the experience section of your resume.
How To List Nanny Experience In The Skills Section?
The trick is, you can briefly refer to nannying in relation to a relevant skill in the skills section of your nanny resume.
Since it is best practice to keep the skills section succinct and concise, there are one or two things we recommend you do in this scenario;
You may choose to mention the skill without any reference to where it came from, or you furnish it as half-sentence of experience description.
The half-sentence rule or recommendation is however great for new graduates or applicants with little job experience over working professionals.
Below is an example of a well formatted skill section without description:
> Cooking
> Cleaning
> Home-childcare
> Appointment scheduling
You’ll notice above that there is no mention of the nannying position or duration of employment when highlighting the skills.
While this method is widely accepted and used, it is best fit only if you have a powerful professional experience section or if the skills are not of strong importance to your target position.
Below is an example of a well formatted skill section with description:
Cooking– Professionally oversaw diet management of children for two years
Appointment Scheduling– Placed appointments by phone and online, and set up e-mail reminders for clients
Childcare– Ensured the care and safety of young children for two years as a live-in nanny
You necessarily do not have to state explicitly the nanny experience as in the childcare skill example, but if you find it relevant, it may be impressive to mention.
Carefully decide whether or not these skills are worth expanding upon, and choose the formatting based on relevance to your target position.
Nanny Resume Examples: Writing Tips
Utilize our proven nanny resume writing tips to learn how to boost your nanny resume to ensure you’re landing jobs and earning the highest salary possible.
Bonus Tip
Earning a nanny certification can help boost your resume greatly.
Possessing childcare experience and related certificates (such as CPR, nutrition and cooking, or special needs care) makes you a more credible and qualified applicant.
1. Include Key Nanny Resume Skills on Your Resume
Consider making your resume attractive by including childcare skills to demonstrate your passion for taking care of children.
It is also important to include hard skills related to working as a nanny.
Including these hard skills will demonstrate that you have the technical skills needed to handle daily nanny responsibilities.
They are usually learned through on-the-job, training, or school.
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Nanny-related job hard skills examples are:
- CPR Certification
- Basic First Aid
- Cooking Skills
- Tidying
- Basic Teaching Skills
- Disciplinary Skills
- Driver’s License
Furthermore, you may also note that nannies perform a wide range of responsibilities that require many soft skills.
Bonus Tip
Soft skills generally relate to your personality and your people or interpersonal skills.
Including soft skills on your nanny resume is essential because you interact with children and parents on a daily basis.
Try adding these soft skills to your nanny resume in your skills section or work experience section:
- Organizational skills
- Creativity
- Empathy
- Kindness
- Interpersonal skills
- Communication excellence
- Strong leadership
Other relevant quality of a good nanny is their ability to effectively create new activities, multitask and manage time.
They have excellent people skill, highly personable and communicate seamlessly with children under their care.
Nannies work as parents’ allies, collaborating for the well-being of the children.
So, highlighting and emphasizing you’re adept in these areas on your resume proves to parents that you’d be best fit if employed for the nanny position.
2. Include A Strong Profile Summary
Recruitment managers or employers hardly spend time reading your resume.
This might be because there is a whole lot of candidates requesting the job or for some other reasons. It is safe not to overload your resume with unnecessary details.
You should rather focus on constructing a short, precise, and captivating objective that would make the recruitment manager or employer pay more attention to your resume.
To be able to do this, provided are few tips that can help you below:
Your contact information should be well presented including your name, your email, and phone number.
Look at the format below for more clarification on how to add your contact information on your nanny resume.
Luther Kings
Your profile should cover the number of years of experience, your specific area of specialization, the position you want to occupy, and an explanation on how your skills and experiences would be of help or add value to your employer.
Two examples are shown below:
“Passionate and high energetic Nanny with a strong drive for childcare excellence; Held in high esteem by client family for warmth, professionalism, dedication and excellent judgment; provide parents an unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and welfare of their children.”
“Devoted, mature, and dependable nanny with 7+ years’ experience in child care; skilled at organizing and actualizing children’s daily schedule which includes their feeding, assignment, and other recreational activities; have provided nanny care for 2 clients, transported children to and from school on a daily basis, received two different recommendations from parents for efficiency and proficiency”.
3. Highlight Relevant Work Experience
Your work experience shouldn’t be excluded from your resume, and it should be jobs you have handled within the past seven to ten years to provide your employer more recent information concerning your previous work experiences and professional care services.
As I stated above, ensure you filter out unnecessary details from your resume. Provide work experience that is relevant to your employer’s desire.
If you can go back in history to when a particular parent left her baby at your disposal for days because she had a business trip that required she traveled out of the state;
Highlighting how well you took proper care of the baby, feeding him at regular intervals, checking and changing his diapers to ensure proper warmth and to prevent the discomfort that could come with the baby’s diaper being soaked, this would go a long way.
The idea is to give your recruiter a clue on how professional you are when it comes to child care and management.
Ensure your work experience is custom-tailored to the job to avoid being downsized by your recruiters.
Adopt the habit of using bullet points to draft your skills and ensure your work experience is represented in a chronological order starting from your most recent work experience to your past job experiences.
Here are some action verbs to adopt in tailoring your work experience:
- Organized
- Cared
- Performed
- Prepared
- Engaged
- Fed
- Cleaned
- Changed
- Served
- Created
Below is an example of how your work experience should be presented:
The Gerald Family | 2021 – Present> Coordinated field trips to local parks, fire stations, and zoo
> Encouraged children to be understanding of and patient with others
> Communicated with parents about daily activities and behavior
> Observed and monitor play activities
> Prepared nourishing meals and snacksNanny
Excellent Quality Nanny Service | 2017 – 2021> Transported the children to and from school, lessons, appointments, and other events
> Coordinated everyday activities that encouraged education and other social skills
> Created a fun, secure, inspiring, and comfortable environment
> Supervised children while the parent was on vacation, business trips, or weekend gateways
> Gave full responsibility with medication and any other medical needsFull-Time Nanny
Wisdom & Christabella Whitaker | 2013 – 2017> Cared for three kids, two boys and a girl aged 6, 4, and 2
> Engaged children in extracurricular, educative, and innovative games such as puzzles
> Prepared and served meals with balanced nutrition to build immunity of children
> Fed, bathed, and changed diapers of 2-year-old
> Cleaned and properly arranged the home during the night hours
> Safely transported kids to and from school
> Assisted kids aged 6 and 4 with their school exercises such as homework and vocabulary developmentFull-Time Nanny
Chris & Josephine Arabah | 2010 – 2013> Supervised and cared for two boys aged 7 and 5
> Helped in effectively developing their writing and language skills
> Transported children to and fro from school via public transport
> Taught children safe behavior skills and social manners
> Stayed with children while their parents were out of town
4. Highlight Your Nanny General Skills
How well can you cater to a child?
Are you good at sparking up the hidden potentials in them?
Do they see you as someone they can look up to or want to imitate?
How often do you chat with these kids so as to build personal relationships with them?
What value are you going to add to the kids if kept under your care?
Expanding on these skills and including them on your resume increases your chances of being hired.
Ensure you use bullet points to highlight your skills and proficiency.
Nanny general skills to include on your resume:
- CPR certified
- Family-oriented
- Collaborative communication
- Reliable/problem solver
- Effective time management
- First aid
- Emotional support
- Highly dependable
- Attention to details
- Adept multitasking
- Excellent work ethic
- Licensed child care provider
- Flexible schedule
- Outgoing & friendly
- Leadership
5. Include Your Education and Certification
Are you kidding right now? Does the job of a nanny require any academic qualifications or certifications?
It’s true that educational qualification is the least requirement for the job of a nanny, but It can go a long way to not only make your resume professional but to also put you in the front line as the best candidate for the job.
To be able to do this, please follow the process below:
- The name of your graduate school and where it is situated
- The degree earned
- The years spent in school
University Of Altoona, PA
B.A. Communication Studies
2018 – 2022
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Nanny Resume Examples (Text Version) 1
Jesse Hampton
2281 Greenbriar Ct. Grand Junction, CO 81507
(720) 939-3107
Passionate and high energetic nanny with a strong drive for childcare excellence; Held in high esteem by client family for warmth, professionalism, dedication, and excellent judgment; provide parents an unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and welfare of their children.
Highlights> CPR certified
> Family-oriented
> Collaborative communication
> Reliable/problem solver
> Effective time management
> First aid
> Emotional support
> Highly dependable
> Attention to details
> Adept multitasking
> Excellent work ethic
> Licensed child care provider
> Outgoing & friendly
> LeadershipQualification
University Of Altoona, PA
B.A. Communication Studies
2018 – 2022
Professional ExperienceNanny
The Simpson Family | 2021 – Present> Discussed emotional or developmental problems with parent and participated in a parent conference
> Assist children to develop habits of caring for hygiene and cleanliness
> Presented programs that furthered language and social skills
> Provided a structured environment for preschool children and taught them basic skills such as dressing and toileting
> Sterilized bottles and other equipment used for feeding infantsNanny
The Gerald Family | 2018 – 2021> Coordinated field trips to local parks, fire stations, and zoo
> Encouraged children to be understanding of and patient with others
> Communicated with parents about daily activities and behavior
> Observed and monitor play activities
> Prepared nourishing meals and snacksLanguages
English and Spanish
Nanny Resume Examples (Text Version) 2
Luther Kings
Devoted, mature, and dependable nanny with over 4 years’ experience in child care, skilled at organizing and actualizing children’s daily schedule which includes their feeding, assignment, and other recreational activities; Have provided nanny care for 2 clients, transported children to and fro on a daily basis, and received two different recommendations from parents for efficiency and proficiency.
> Patience
> Good communication skills
> Effective organizational skills
> Creativity
> First aid
> Problem-solving
> Good cooking and nutritional skills
> Ability to stay calm under pressure
> Reliability
> Adept multitaskerProfessional Experience
Full-Time Nanny
Wisdom & Christabella Whitaker | 2017 – 2019> Cared for three kids, two boys and girl at ages 6, 4, and 2
> Engaged children in extracurricular, educative, and innovative games such as puzzles
> Prepared and served meals with balanced nutrition to build immunity of children
> Fed, bathed, and changed diapers of 2-year-old
> Cleaned and properly arranged the home during the night hours
> Assisted kids aged 6 and 4 with their school exercises such as homework and vocabulary developmentFull-Time Nanny
Chris & Josephine Arabah | 2014 – 2016> Supervised and cared for two boys aged 7 and 5
> Helped in effectively developing their writing and language skills
> Transported children to and fro from school via public transport
> Taught children safe behavior skills and social manners
> Stayed with children while their parents were out of town
> Scheduled visit to the hospital, barbing saloon, and dentistEducation
University Of Altoona, PA
B.A. Communication Studies
2018 – 2022
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Always ensure to write a catchy profile summary, and choose the reverse-chronological resume format if you have a great deal of nanny experience.
No professional work experience? Choose the functional or skill-based resume format.
As a a matter of importance, only highlight nannying skills and experiences relevant to your employer’s needs on your nanny resume.
Have issues writing your nanny resume? Let us help you write a professional nanny resume that will land you the job you deserve 3x faster.