To ensure this doesn’t happen, we’ve curated 7 tips for the morning of your interview to guide you from making mistakes that could cost you and make you miss out on the job of your dream.
Note; the more prepared (study & research) you are, the more knowledgeable, confident and proficient you appear.
Proper preparation is fundamental for any job interview.
Here are some tips to help maximize your chances of success and guide you in preparation for the morning of your interview.
1. Get Yourself Ready in Advance for The Interview
Get your interview cloth ready a day or two before the morning of your interview to ensure it’s in perfect form and appropriate for the interview.
Check if the suit or cloth is clean and pressed, if there is need to fix missing buttons or cut off dangling threads, try it on to make sure it fits you properly.

Prepare everything else you need to get ready like your socks, shoe, tie, bag, deodorant, comb and necessary documents.
Sorting your essentials, a day or two before the morning of your interview can ease up your brain’s processing power and also eliminate last minute confusion.
While that level of preparation may seem excessive, reducing the number of decisions you have to make on the big morning can free up your brain’s processing power.
Always give yourself quality time to get ready, i.e. wake up earlier to get prepared to ensure your cloth, shoe, hair and (make up if applicable) all look smart and professional.
When you rush to get prepared the morning of your interview you most likely end up in mistakes and stressed out which can alter your confidence during the interview.
Take note of the weather or check the weather forecast for the day before setting out so you would be fully prepared for whatever might be the weather condition during the day.
2. Consume A Light Healthy Breakfast
No matter how less interested you might feel towards food that morning as those butterflies in your stomach may have stolen your appetite, ensure you eat a meal rich with super food that would boost your sharpness or something light to keep your energy level high for a longer period to prevent your stomach from rumbling.
It is important to pay attention to nutrition and hydration before you leave so you can be mentally alert, focused and not restive during interview.
Stay clear from alcohol at all costs.

3. Know The Way
Walking into an interview late can give a very poor first impression, it rings a negative bell to your employer that you are irresponsible and one who shows negligence for the interviewer’s time.
Figure out your route hours before the interview and check traffic online before you leave the house to allow extra time for delays.
If you are driving, it’s important you inspect the car a day before to be sure the car is perfectly fit for the trip the next day, also fill your fuel tank to avoid the need for extra stops on the morning of your interview.
Project reaching the office at least 15 minutes early, freshen up in the car or washroom. Be calm and well composed before you step into the reception area.
You can use the extra time for quick revise of your notes, listening to music or meditation.
Never check in with the receptionist 5 minutes earlier or you may appear despairing.
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4. Neatly Grab Your Requisite
Before leaving the house be sure you have arranged in your bag/ briefcase essential documents that would hold everything you might need during the interview.
This essential includes any means of identification, extra copies of your credentials, resume or references, a pen, and a paper or a notepad.
You may also need to write down some intelligent and interesting questions you might want to ask during the interview, this shows you are well prepared, interested and committed to the role and company.
Also, you may need to jot down your observation and important points from your interviewer during the interview.
I urge you carry along a small care kit that includes a tissue paper or handkerchief, a stain removal stick, pain relief drugs, mint and a bottle of water.
Keep the care kit in your car, purse or in your briefcase, with this kit no matter the coffee stain or headache you are rest assured it wouldn’t take you off balance before the interview.
Read also: 9 ways to make the most of unemployment
5. Focus On Yourself
Of course, the morning of your interview nervousness can be alleviated, the feelings that you might not be fully prepared thereby wanting to rehearse more at this point will likely just get you perturb.
Some negative thought might flash through your mind, ignore these feelings and take a few minutes to concentrate and equip yourself, evaluate your strength and weakness and you would know what you can offer.

Close your eyes, breath in and out to release the tension within.
Envision yourself walking confidently into the interview and already a successful candidate.
Even when you feel anxious, make a deliberate decision to interpret it as excitement.
Stay positive not letting your fears get the best of you, practice self- affirmation thoughts in your mind and believe you have in you the potentials that fits perfectly into the job description.
You shouldn’t have anything to fuss about if you have study and done adequate research.
Pay more attention on making a good first impression, your first impression should show someone who is organized, professional and poised.
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6. Final Review and Visual Assessment
At this point give a final glance on your research and preparations before the interview, to keep it refreshing in your mind.
Avoid doing any new research.
Take advantage of the last-minute bathroom stop on your way to the reception, examine your reflection for any stain from food or drink, loose threads and do necessary adjustment to your tie or suit.
This is also a great time to practice beautiful smiling techniques which you should sincerely offer to each person you come across from reception to the interview hall when you introduce yourself.
A sincere smile communicates confidence and positivity.
7. Switch Off Your Cell Phone
I recommend you turn off your cell phone completely or put it on flight mode before entering the venue of your interview so you can give your interviewer maximum attention and also to avoid distractions from incoming massages, calls or even online news feed that could upset you.
Most candidate fail to realize that engulfing themselves in their phone causes them to look surprised and shocked when the interviewer walks in or when their name is been called.
Instead of scrolling through your phone messages or online feeds, use the time to create a friendly relationship with the receptionist and gather any early clues about the company’s culture.
In addition, remember your interview starts the moment you walk or drive in.
Ensure to be at your best behavior and treat every person you come across as a potential decision-maker.
I believe the above tips is explanatory enough and helpful to you in preparing for your interview.
Go into the interview with an open and genuine mind to give value to the company.
Remember to stay relaxed, positive and confident.
Keep in mind that your interviewer or hiring manager is a human like you with a life outside work and personality so focus on building a human connection and having a great conversation.
Always save the morning before your interview to work more on your appearance, presentation and make sure you are punctual to the interview.
Don’t wait till the morning of your interview to prepare! Consult with one of CEOMIchaelHR expert career coaches today.