According to lifestyle website “The Muse” it’s best to leave all the distractions at the door and try to surround yourself with a quiet and conducive environment when trying to relax.
It can be easy to get choked up in all the chaos, especially if you live in a busy city and constantly on the go.
However, during your time off, do the complete opposite by embracing the silence so your mind can rest and not focus on anything.
Taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to plan for your long-term career success but there’s a big difference between taking care of yourself and just spending time idly in front of Netflix.
Your off day should not just relax you in the moment; it should restore your energy for the future.
Sometimes a proper day off work seems far and few between.
With constant email notifications and bottomless to-do lists, it can seem nearly impossible to find ways to recharge on your day off.
Even sometimes getting out of the grind is stressing, and we pressure ourselves too hard on our days off.

We are eager to hasten all our chores, spend quality time with the kids, catch a movie, and do the grocery shopping.
And if we can’t complete our scheduled tasks, we feel bad and get pissed about it.
To fully recharge ahead of the upcoming work week and unwind from the previous, you need to get rid of all your worries so you can solely take care of yourself.
You should be your top priority.
If you’ve discovered that your self-care days leave you just as stressed as a regular workday, it’s time to boost your approach to relaxation.
Congratulations! Here are nine (9) things you should take into account;
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Things to Do on Your Day Off to Really Recharge
Handle Those Errands
Your availability at work gets you busy leaving every day’s task resting on your table.
While your day off is the perfect time to catch up on these errands, make sure they don’t take over your whole day.
Days off are for relaxation and catching fun yet the reality is that most of us have unavoidable things to do on those off days, like running an errand or two.
When trying to recharge, avoid the busy times at the grocery stores and the pharmacy so you can take care of things quickly and efficiently.
You can make a full list of annoying errands and compress them into a single block of time.
For instance, you can dedicate the early morning hours to tackle laundry and house chores then finally make the grocery shopping list.
Batching these unavoidable tasks can help you keep your life on track and also prevent the errands from taking over your entire day.
Eat Healthy
Encourage habits of eating healthy diets especially on your days off work.
If you’re feeling weary or stressed it’s probably a better idea to consider eating foods that will wholly replenish your body and mind, instead of possibly getting you feeling tired and irritable.
Seems there’s nothing wrong with an occasional decadent meal so keep in mind that your body’s chemistry does not check out on your off day!
Pay attention to how different foods react in you, and remember that there is a price to pay for going off the deep end.
If you’re off on a special weekend or just enjoying a few hours to yourself, always ensure to eat healthy to have the best stress-free day ever.
Take A Nap
Have you imagined taking a time off work, keeping away from colleagues, family and friends, purging your mind off worries and loaded tasks just to regain self through taking a serious nap?
It’s one of the vital ways to keep mental fitness.
Observing a great nap effectively breaks up your relaxing day into two off days.
How is that a bonus?
Well, many studies yield to the benefits of a short nap to improve attention span, better manage stress and be more in the present.
Sustain it between 20-30 minutes to get the optimal benefit.
Don’t Do Any Work
Another way to recharge yourself during off days is to make yourself absent minded.
According to Fast Company, while some successful people do work on the weekends, they make sure to mark a certain amount of time where they don’t do anything.
During your time off, try not to work for a minimum of 24 hours, so you can replenish your mind and well-being.
Rekindle Relationships
Your time off should be about doing what makes you happy and satisfied.
Reconnecting with old as well as making new friends are a great way to revitalize those happy hormones.
Further studies according to INC, states that:
“Your day off is the perfect timing to build relationships that might’ve been ignored during the week. Spending time with a loved one can help you feel more relaxed and ready to start work the next day”.
Surround Yourself With Nature
It is important to go on a stroll either individually or in a company with loved ones as it steers up a unique feeling that helps ease off stress and worries caused as a result of stressful activities during work hours.

You can take a drive far away from busy city life and enjoy nature with your loved ones, like going to the beach or taking a hike in a park.
It relieves stress and ensure a quick recharge off work!
Do Low-Stress Exercise
Exercise is another form of keeping the body fit and nourishing.
It prolongs life and support healthy living but…
Instead of stressing your body out with a vigorous exercise routine, you can try a different approach by doing yoga or another type of mindful exercise in other to connect with your mind and thoughts beyond impossibilities.
It helps you recharge as you feel replenished!
Shhh! Be Quiet
Outdoor jobs can be so noisy and loud, same like being in a private office with your headphones glued to your ears.
In summary, work life is full of distractions. Little amount of noise can prevent one from really concentrating.
That’s why it’s so important to observe some peace and much silence on your off day.
I may not be the meditating type, but I try to make sure that I leave myself a few hours in the garden to read quietly, giving myself the chance to tune into one thing at a time.
It’s highly beneficial to stay quiet some times.
Do Something That Connects You to The Bigger Picture
Finally, another great thing to do on your off day to really recharge is to spend your day focused on doing things for others especially for those working in nonprofits.
Take a few hours of your day to help out in a food kitchen, watching your neighbors’ kids or to do some more research on emerging issue that relates to your job.
Always see this as an act of self-compassion.
When you do have an extra day, make sure that it truly restores you.
As Audre Lorde said, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence; it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
So put on your armor and fight for your right to relax.
Always bear in mind that your vacation is your time to fully recharge.
And, if you don’t adjust yourself to that, your time off will be totally counterproductive.
So, to help you out with that alien concept of leaving all of your worries behind, we believe you’ve learnt tips that would fortify you for a healthy living, and ensure you fully recharge during your time away from work.
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