You just got the breaking news: Your favorite coworker is quitting.
Despite expecting this news, it’s easy to get caught up in a circle of confusion and emotions at a time like this.
With so many lessons learned during my time working in different organizations and offices, I would certainly say that saying farewell to a coworker or boss can be a heartfelt and emotional experience depending on your relationship with them.
When your favorite coworker quits may be due to retirement, accepting a new job offer, or wanting to start a new business.
Irrespective of the condition, since you spend the majority of your week at work, forming attachments and bonds with coworkers is normal.
Unfortunately, because things change in the workplace, employees including your favorite coworker often quit.
Be at ease because in this article, we’ll discuss the following:
- Reasons why employees quit
- Stages you go through when your favorite coworker quits- and how to survive each one
- How to know if your coworkers are quiet quitting
- Favorite coworker quitting meme
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Reasons Why Employees Quit
There comes a period in your career when you decide to quit your current job for varying reasons depending on your personal life and workplace.
Before you get too reactive or emotional about your favorite coworker quitting, it is vital you know some of the reasons Influencing your coworker’s decision to quit.
Below is a list of some of the common reasons employees quit their jobs:
1. Quest for more challenge
2. Looking for a higher salary
3. Feeling uninspired
4. Wanting to feel valued
5. Looking for a better management relationship
6. Quest for job growth and career advancement
7. Needing more feedback or structure
8. Seeking a different work environment
9. Relocation
10. Feeling conflicted with workplace policies
11. Wanting a clearer company vision
12. Seeking a better work-life balance
13. Seeking independence
14. Seeking more recognition
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Stages You Go Through When Your Favorite Coworker Quits- And How to Survive Each One
Reflection stage
This is the first stage of the process where you ask yourself, “Is this really happening?”
At this stage you must bear in mind that you’re not the only one shocked by this sudden announcement.
Everyone working with this individual, particularly your boss is going through this same thing you are right now.
While it’s normal you reflect and feel the shock, you must remember to remain professional and that usual business operations needs to continue.
Genuine enthusiasm stage
The genuine enthusiasm pops in after getting over the shock of quitting.
At this stage, your ‘friend mode’ is activated.
This is the time you begin to express genuine happiness for your coworker considering how hard he has worked to deserve this new opportunity!
In whatever way you celebrate your friend, whether through organizing extra lunches, happy hours, or taking up a collection for a farewell package, you’ll be induced by a strong feeling of celebrating his contributions.
The stress stage
Yes, with all the joy and happiness you’ve been able to conjure for your favorite coworker, it’s now time to face the reality of things as the two-week notice period dwindles down.
You’ll begin to face panic, leading to stress.
This stress can happen as a result of so many things your colleague know that you don’t; after all, he may have been with the company way longer before you.
You begin to imagine; how am I going to absorb all his knowledge?
More so that being in the IT department, a lot of people would depend on my expertise—how am I ever going to answer all their questions?
The time to get any and all of this answered is closing in, and you have to act fast.
This leads us to…
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Motivation & action stage
With all the overwhelming questions, panic, and stress, there is only one surefire way to stay above the waves: Take action.
Understanding you have but a limited time to get things figured out is a great motivation already.
You can quickly activate your ‘learning mode.’
Proactively schedule knowledge transfer meetings and set specific goals for each of these meetings.
Pen down all of the nagging questions you’ve always worried about and ensure to get as many answers as you can.
You may go ahead and ask a few honest questions such as; why are you really leaving?
While you know you were not going to learn enough to cover every possible situation, you’ll feel at ease knowing you’ve asked the most critical questions, and documented the answers.
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Contentment stage
Finally, your favorite coworker last working day is here.
It’s very normal to have some mixed emotions at this time. Afterall, it’s never easy to say goodbye to a loved one.
But since you worked on turning your fears into action, you’ll quickly find that you’re good.
You made it through this tough time, and you’re back to feeling happy for the person leaving.
Sure, this may mean some extra hours and stress for a while, but it also means you have the chance for new responsibilities. And new responsibilities equal new opportunities for you.
3 Ways to Know If Your Coworkers Are Quiet Quitting
Quiet quitting refers to a form of disengagement where an employee becomes negligent, show poor attitude to work or stop going above and beyond to fulfil his basic job responsibilities.
So, if your coworkers are quiet quitting, what are some possible signs to look out for?
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1. Decrease in productivity
The most common sign of a coworker quiet quitting is decrease in productivity.
This is when the most outstanding employees suddenly push back and become an average employee with drastic drop in work output.
2. Stop volunteering or taking initiative
You begin to observe that an employee that once came to you with new ideas, enthusiastic about solving problems, always pitching in and contributing during meetings, now only follows instructions and no longer takes initiative.
You find out you are the only one approaching them, they no longer approach you.
This behavior change is a key indicator to note.
3. Avoidance and distance
Employees quiet quitting tend to act constantly busy. They miss meetings and do not reach out to get updates.
They become socially distant, avoiding team gatherings and keeping conversations short.
Finally, these employees may take more personal and sick days, particularly in busy or critical company times.
10 Favorite Coworker Quitting Meme
Coworker Quitting Meme 1
When the only coworker you talk to puts in their two weeks.
You were the chosen one!
I trust you!

Coworker Quitting Meme 2
When you see your coworker leaving early

Coworker Quitting Meme 3
That moment when you realize…
Your least favorite coworker won’t be in today

Coworker Quitting Meme 4
Good luck
Finding colleagues as awesome as us

Coworker Quitting Meme 5
When your coworker leaves for another job

Coworker Quitting Meme 6
When your coworker catches you leaving work early

Coworker Quitting Meme 7
When your co-worker has been fucking off all shift
Announces they are going on break…

Coworker Quitting Meme 8
When the new coworker shows up with all their new ideas
and is super excited to be there…

Coworker Quitting Meme 9
Leaving work on my last day

Coworker Quitting Meme 10
My sadness at your leaving
is tempered by my excitement at getting your chair

When your favorite coworker quits, this might be the time to branch out and get to know your other coworkers.
Sometimes, when you have one go-to coworker, you can become blinded to other great employees working at your company.
This is a proven and healthy way to transition from working collaboratively with your favorite coworker, to be more independent in the workplace.
When you work with new team members, this can open up your mind to new ideas, and can ultimately improve your approach to problem-solving and innovation.
Don’t forget to keep in touch with your colleague after quitting. It doesn’t have to be the end.
You might even discover how great your friendship can be when work is removed from the equation.
Jealous of your favorite co-worker for advancing unto another opportunity? It might be time for you to search for a new job. But first, make sure your resume is ready for the big career move.