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Don’t Apply To a Job With Just Your LinkedIn Profile

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As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, it’s important for job seekers to use every available resource to stand out to potential employers.

One of the most popular tools for job searching is LinkedIn, a social media platform designed for professional networking and job seeking.

LinkedIn offers a variety of features to help job seekers find and apply for job openings, including the “Easy Apply” button. However, while “Easy Apply” may seem like a convenient option, using it without a targeted resume can potentially harm your chances of landing the job.

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using “Easy Apply,” the limitations of relying solely on your LinkedIn profile, and why a targeted resume can be a more effective tool for job applications.

So, if you’re a job seeker looking to improve your chances of landing your dream job, keep reading!

What is the “Easy Apply” button?

If you’re not familiar with LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature, it’s a way for you to apply to a job on LinkedIn using your LinkedIn profile.

When you see a job posting on LinkedIn that has an “Easy Apply” button, you can simply click that button and your LinkedIn profile will be submitted as your application for the job.

You may also be asked to answer a few additional questions or provide additional information, but for the most part, “Easy Apply” is just that – an easy way to apply to jobs on LinkedIn.

While the convenience of “Easy Apply” may be tempting, there are pros and cons to using this feature.

On the plus side, it can save you time and effort by allowing you to apply to multiple jobs quickly and easily. It also means you don’t have to spend as much time customizing your application for each job, since your LinkedIn profile will already contain much of the information that the hiring manager is looking for.

However, there are also drawbacks to using “Easy Apply.” For one thing, your LinkedIn profile may not be optimized for job applications, which means you may not be presenting yourself in the best possible light.

Additionally, many job postings receive a high volume of applications, and using “Easy Apply” may mean that your application gets lost in the shuffle.

Finally, some hiring managers may view “Easy Apply” as a lazy or unprofessional way to apply for a job, which could harm your chances of getting hired.

So, should you use LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature? The answer is, it depends.

In the next section, we’ll explore some of the factors you should consider when deciding whether or not to use “Easy Apply” for your job applications.

Should you use LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature?

LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature can be tempting to job seekers who are looking for a quick and easy way to apply for jobs. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using this feature.

One advantage of using “Easy Apply” is that it can save you time and effort. You can quickly submit your application with just a few clicks, without having to fill out a lengthy application form or upload a separate resume. This can be especially helpful if you’re applying to multiple jobs at once.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to using “Easy Apply.” For one, it may not be the best option if you’re applying to a highly competitive job or industry. In these cases, you’ll want to make sure that your application stands out from the rest, and submitting just your LinkedIn profile may not be enough.

Additionally, some job listings may specifically request a traditional resume or CV, which means that using “Easy Apply” could actually hurt your chances of getting the job.

If the employer asks for a resume and you only submit your LinkedIn profile, they may assume that you didn’t read the job listing carefully or that you’re not willing to follow instructions.

Generally, whether or not to use “Easy Apply” will depend on your individual situation and the job you’re applying for. In some cases, it may be a quick and easy way to apply, but in others, it may be better to take the time to craft a targeted resume and submit it along with your application.

It’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons before deciding whether or not to use “Easy Apply.”

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“So what …?”

So you might be wondering, what’s the big deal with using just your LinkedIn profile for job applications? After all, it seems so easy and convenient to hit the “Easy Apply” button and be done with it.

However, relying solely on your LinkedIn profile for job applications may not be the best strategy for several reasons.

First of all, LinkedIn profiles are not specifically tailored to the job you’re applying for.

While you can customize your LinkedIn profile to some extent, it’s still a general overview of your skills, experience, and accomplishments.

On the other hand, a targeted resume can be tailored to highlight the specific skills and experience that match the job requirements.

Secondly, LinkedIn profiles may not answer all of the hiring manager’s questions. For example, a hiring manager may want to know more about your specific accomplishments in your previous role, or they may want to see a more detailed timeline of your career progression.

These types of details are often better suited for a traditional resume rather than a LinkedIn profile.

Lastly, relying solely on your LinkedIn profile for job applications may not set you apart from other applicants. Hiring managers may receive dozens or even hundreds of applications for a single job, and a generic LinkedIn profile may not catch their attention as much as a targeted resume that showcases your relevant experience and accomplishments.

So, what’s the solution?

A targeted resume can be the key to standing out in the job market. By tailoring your resume to match the job requirements and highlighting your relevant experience and accomplishments, you can demonstrate to hiring managers that you’re the ideal candidate for the job.

While it may take a bit more time and effort to create a targeted resume compared to simply using your LinkedIn profile, the potential rewards are well worth it.

In summary, while using LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature may seem like a convenient way to apply for jobs, relying solely on your LinkedIn profile for job applications may not be the best strategy.

By creating a targeted resume, you can showcase your skills and experience more effectively and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Find out: How to Put LinkedIn on Resume (Correctly) Examples & Guides

Why LinkedIn doesn’t answer the hiring manager’s questions

Now that we’ve discussed the pros and cons of using LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature, let’s take a closer look at why relying solely on your LinkedIn profile for job applications may not be the best idea.

First of all, it’s important to understand how LinkedIn profiles are structured. While your profile may contain a lot of valuable information about your education, work experience, and skills, it’s not necessarily organized in a way that’s easy for hiring managers to navigate.

They may have specific questions or requirements for the job they’re hiring for, and it can be difficult for them to find the answers they’re looking for on your LinkedIn profile.

In addition, LinkedIn profiles often lack the level of detail and customization that a traditional resume can provide.

Hiring managers may want to see specific examples of your work experience or achievements that are relevant to the job they’re hiring for.

A well-crafted resume can showcase your skills and experience in a way that’s tailored to the job you’re applying for, making it easier for hiring managers to see how you can contribute to their organization.

Another reason why hiring managers may prefer a traditional resume is that it shows that you’re willing to put in the effort to apply for the job.

While submitting an application through LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature may be convenient for you, it may come across as lazy or unprofessional to hiring managers. They want to see that you’re serious about the job and that you’re willing to take the time to craft a targeted resume that shows how you can add value to their organization.

In summary, while LinkedIn profiles can be a valuable tool for networking and job searching, they may not be the most effective way to apply for a job.

Hiring managers have specific questions and requirements for the job they’re hiring for, and a targeted resume can provide the level of detail and customization that they’re looking for.

So if you’re serious about landing your dream job, it’s worth putting in the extra effort to create a targeted resume that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light.

Find out: How To Contact Recruiters On LinkedIn

Your Targeted Resume to the Rescue

Now that we’ve discussed the potential drawbacks of relying solely on your LinkedIn profile for job applications, let’s talk about how a targeted resume can enhance your job search.

A targeted resume is a customized document that highlights your skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific job you’re applying for.

This means tailoring your resume to fit the requirements of the job description and showcasing your qualifications in a way that demonstrates your fit for the position.

One advantage of a targeted resume is that it allows you to provide more detail than your LinkedIn profile.

You can use bullet points, specific examples, and quantifiable achievements to illustrate your abilities and accomplishments. This makes it easier for hiring managers to understand why you’re the right fit for the job.

Furthermore, a targeted resume can help you stand out in a sea of applicants. By showing that you’ve taken the time to tailor your application to the specific job, you demonstrate your interest and commitment to the position.

Of course, creating a targeted resume requires some effort on your part. You’ll need to carefully review the job description, research the company, and identify the key skills and experiences that match the position.

However, the extra effort can pay off in the form of a more effective job search.

So, while “Easy Apply” can be a quick and convenient way to apply for jobs, it may not be the best option if you’re serious about landing the job you want.

Consider creating a targeted resume that highlights your relevant skills and experiences, and use it to supplement your LinkedIn profile when applying for jobs. By doing so, you’ll be demonstrating your qualifications and showing hiring managers why you’re the best fit for the position.

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Does all of this mean you should never use “Easy Apply”?

Not necessarily.

While a targeted resume may be the preferred option for many hiring managers, there are still situations where using “Easy Apply” may be appropriate.

For example, if you are applying to a large number of jobs or if you are applying to entry-level positions where there is less emphasis on specific skills and experience, using “Easy Apply” may be a time-efficient way to submit your application.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that even when using “Easy Apply,” you should still take the time to tailor your application to the specific job you’re applying for. This means including relevant keywords and highlighting your relevant experience and skills.

Additionally, if you do decide to use “Easy Apply,” be sure to follow up with the employer or recruiter after submitting your application.

Send a personalized message expressing your interest in the position and explaining why you would be a good fit for the role. This can help you stand out from other candidates who may have applied using “Easy Apply” without any additional effort.

Ultimately, the decision to use “Easy Apply” or a targeted resume will depend on the specific job you’re applying for and your individual circumstances. However, by understanding the limitations of LinkedIn profiles and the benefits of a targeted resume, you can make a more informed decision and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Find out: How To Use LinkedIn To Get A Job


In summary, while LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature can be a convenient option for job seekers, it’s not always the best choice.

Relying solely on your LinkedIn profile for job applications may not be sufficient, as it may not provide the depth of information and customization that a targeted resume can offer.

Hiring managers often have specific questions they need answered in order to evaluate candidates, and LinkedIn profiles may not always provide those answers. Therefore, creating a targeted resume that showcases your skills and experience in a customized way can give you a competitive edge in your job search.

However, this doesn’t mean you should never use “Easy Apply.” In some situations, it may be appropriate and convenient to use this feature. The key is to be strategic about when and how you use it, and to ensure that your LinkedIn profile and targeted resume work together to present a cohesive and compelling picture of your qualifications.

Ultimately, the goal is to give yourself the best possible chance of landing the job you want. By taking the time to create a targeted resume and using “Easy Apply” judiciously, you can increase your chances of success in your job search.


Further Reading

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