Knowing how to put temporary work on resume can make a huge difference between impressing hiring managers or turning them off.
No matter how long or short you hold a temporary position, it should be listed on your resume.
It should include your skills, experience and flexibility as a prospect to provide a comprehensive work history.
Follow our guide in this article to help you create the most out of your temp work experience on your resume.
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What Is Temporary Work?
Temp work or temporary work refer to a limited time employment engagement where employees are hired to provide assistance for a particular project, cover for a full-time employee’s absence or during a high-traffic period.
It can tarry for several days, weeks, months or a even year.
Once the project is over, the contract/employment will be terminated. The duration of temp work depends on the needs of the employer.
Many people think temporary work are mainly for students or unskilled personnel which is not true.
Companies may find the need to hire temporary lawyers, project managers, IT professionals, consultants, designers, copywriters, etc.
Temporary work can be creative, challenging and remunerative.
Some professionals with diverse backgrounds use it as a career opportunity and also a chance to expand their professional network.
Why Put Temporary Work On A Resume?
A resume is like your career passport.
It provides the recruiter with vital career journey information that includes educational background, work history, skills and personal abilities.
If you want your professional background to be more convincing then putting your temporary work on your resume could be the best solution.
Here are some reasons why:
It fills the gap in your employment history
It is necessary to highlight your temp work experience on your resume.
Including this experience will present you as one who doesn’t like being idle and also help you avoid questions about employment gap during an interview.
It expands your skillset
Temp work gives a very good chance to learn new skills and improve existing ones.
Highlighting your professional skills acquired during temp employment on your resume will hike it and make it more interesting to recruiters.
It will also show yourself as a professional that is result-oriented.
It highlight your personal qualities
Temporary work not only help in improving professional skills but also personal traits.
In our today’s labor market, one of the most important trait is flexibility.
Other traits include versatility and ability to adapt to a rapid changing environment.
Defining these abilities on your resume and confirming them during interview can impress your potential employers and make you stand out among other job seekers.
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How To Put Temporary Work On Resume
It is important to know that the format of putting temp work on a resume vary depending on what kind of temporary work experience you had.
You will have to critically analyze whether it will serve you better to list each temporary job as a separate gig within your work experience or to group them together.
This is one of those judgment calls that need the help of a professional resume writer to make.
If you have any temporary work experience to include on your resume, use the following steps below to effectively format your professional experience section.
Let’s begin with limited temporary work experience, meaning you had one or more temporary jobs and was employed directly by the company.
1. Indicate your employer
The name of your employer should be the first thing mentioned when describing your temporary work.
Correctly input the full name of the company or organization that hired you, you can also add the link to their official website if any.
2. Specify your position
The first thing hiring managers check on your resume work experience section is the job title.
Therefore, ensure you write a correct and specific job title.
You can always write specialist in (your primary assignment) in cases where your position does not have a specific title or you are not sure how to name it correctly, for example: Administrative Specialist.
3. Label your temporary work
Labeling your position as “temporary” or “contract” will make it clear and easier for recruiters to understand that you have worked for a particular company or in a particular position for an amount of time.
Remember recruiters receive a lot of resumes on a daily basis and only use several seconds to peruse documents.
This is why to label your temporary work is important because it makes it easier for them to find the relevant information.
4. Use a reverse-chronological format
If you’ve done a couple of temporary work, consider listing them separately just like any full-time job.
Begin with the most recent position you held and move backward from there.
Ensure to include the organization’s name, city and state, job title, start and end date, and your metric achievements.
Using this format will portray a clear timeline of your work history to the recruiting manager.
5. List relevant accomplishments
When outlining your temporary work experience separately, include some bullet points describing your key accomplishments on the job.
But if you grouped your temporary work, you can similarly list each job and your accomplishments.
Make sure it is clearly and concisely written, also use power verbs and ensure your resume is not more than two pages long.
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6. Showcase your Achievements
Highlight your professional accomplishments from each position you listed.
These accomplishment details will be especially impressive when describing temp work because it proves that you can achieve results in a short time frame.
Use these achievements to show how you will add similar value to your potential employer.
Take a look at these two samples of presenting temporary work and see how our recommendations above are used:
Example 1:
CDE Company, Austin TX
Receptionist (Temporary)| Jul 2022 – Oct 2022> Handled over 30 clients calls and inquiries per day
> Prepared correspondence and documentation
> Provided word processing and secretarial support
> Filed and delivered mail as needed
> Developed and maintained a current and accurate filing system
Example 2:
XYZ Company, Austin TX
Accountant Assistant (Temporary) | Apr 2022 – Jun 2022> Prepared and processed documents to disburse funds and make deposits
> Prepared weekly and monthly financial reports
> Compiled and reviewed information for accuracy
> Maintained files, and computerized accounting databases
> Initiated the introduction of an accounting system that helped the company minimize taxation
How To Include Temporary Work On A Resume: Staffing Agency Experience

If you’ve had temporary work experience through a staffing agency, we recommend using this format to correctly describe it on your resume.
Specify staffing agency
If your temporary employment was through a staffing agency, it means the staffing agency is your employer.
Ensure you specify the name of the staffing agency and its location.
Indicate the collaboration duration
It is important to highlight the duration of your cooperation with the staffing agency.
Indicate the month and year you started and when you finished the job.
But if you are still working with the staffing agency up to present day, you can write “present” instead of the end date.
Explain your connection to the staffing agency
Clearly and concisely indicate your profession, field of activity and purpose of cooperation.
Don’t tell the whole story in detail.
Give details about your employment
Point out your role and the company that hired you.
Also, specify the duration of your work.
Use the month and year format to indicate the time period of your collaboration with the staffing agency.
However, you can add days perhaps you worked less than a month.
Describe your responsibilities and achievements
This is an important part of your temporary work experience because it makes it clear to the recruiter what you can do and your efficiency in carrying out a given task.
Use three to five bullet points to highlight your key responsibilities and link them to your desired position.
You can also include your accomplishments to create a more impressive resume.
Below are samples of presenting temporary work under staffing agency experience:
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IJK Staffing Agency
Houston TX | Apr 2022 – May 2022> Contracted by the staffing agency to provide information services on a temporary basis for banks in Texas.
Call Center Operator
Prosperity Bank, Houston TX | Jan 2022 – Mar 2022> Optimized information directory that reduced the total call duration to 10%
> Handled over 40 calls per day to provide information about bank services and assist clients with their requests.
> Worked with difficult clients, noted their complaints and provided possible solutions to the problems.
In situation where you have been working with a staffing agency for a long period of time and have had several contacts.
You might need to include additional descriptions.
For example:
FGH Staffing Agency
Chicago IL | Dec 2021- Present> Contracted by the staffing firm to perform multiple assignments related to administrative duties on a temporary basis for multiple medical facilities and practices in the Chicagoland area
Front Desk Receptionist
Heckman Medical Center | Nov 2021 – Jan 2022> Made over 60 calls per day to confirm appointments, give post-appointment follow-up instructions and provide other assistance
> Filed and maintained records of over 800 patients, ensuring the accuracy and confidentiality of information
> Greeted over 25 patients per day and prepared them for appointments by providing necessary forms to fill out and verify insurance
Medical Receptionist
Waukegan Health Group | Feb 2020 – Apr 2022> Scheduled and coordinated daily appointments for eight physicians across two offices.
> Maintained and digitized records for over 2,000 patients.
> Greeted and checked in over 50 patients per day while providing friendly and efficient service.
Medical Receptionist
Chicagoland Pediatrics | May 2022 – Jun 2022> Answered over 50 calls per day to confirm and schedule appointments, using agility when needed for rescheduling purposes
> Helped register first-time patients by using the practice’s digital record system and supplying necessary forms to fill out
> Ensured maintenance and organization of the reception area, performing hourly check-ins and clean-ups
How To Make Your Temp Work On A Resume Look Impressive

With all that have been discussed so far, by now you should’ve known how to put temporary work on a resume.
Use these few tips to make your description even more attractive and compelling.
Align your experiences to the job description. If you have several temporary employment experiences, tailor your resume to only the relevant work experience needed by the recruiter.
For example, there isn’t need to include that you’ve worked as a Waitress for 4 months if you are applying for an Accountant position.
In this case, it is better for a hiring manager to know that you’ve temporarily worked as a cashier.
Not only can this help you pass the applicant tracking systems (ATS), it will quickly capture the attention of your potential recruiter.
Tailor your temporary job description when necessary. It is important to customize your resume to suit the position you’re applying for.
Make sure you are conversant with the employer’s requirements and make use of the job listing language to describe your responsibilities in temporary work.
Highlight the job experience that matches the skills or responsibilities of the position you are currently applying for.
Use quantifiable data. Make use of quantitative metrics when describing your achievements.
This will look more impressive in the eyes of hiring managers.
If your achievements cannot be significantly measured, try to use numbers to give hiring managers a better sense of the job you did and the environment in which you worked.
For example, indicate the number of calls you were able to handle daily, people you welcomed and provided solutions to their problems, how many documents you were able to prepare or how many events you were able to manage per day.
Make a list of your job duties. Then, look for places where you can add numbers, this would present a clearer picture to the recruiter of your productivity.
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Always include the staffing agency. Always list the staffing agency that assigned you to perform temporary job for a company as your employer.
It is important you elucidate this because you don’t want to misrepresent your job history.
Be proud of your temp experience. Putting temporary work on your resume is a perfect way to show your zeal to work and continue developing your skills.
Recruiters will appreciate your willingness to take opportunities that portray your professional abilities, whether it is in a long- or short-term position.
Make sure you showcase the value of these jobs in your career and the value you brought to them.
Don’t forget about your cover letter. Furnishing a cover letter is a very good way to compliment your resume and give detail description about yourself and work experience to the recruiter.
So, use this letter to demonstrate how much value you can offer your prospective company by portraying those skills and personality traits that helped you succeed in your temporary works.
Temporary work is becoming popular in our contemporary world, which has made people with such experience no longer perceived as job-hoppers.
Temporary jobs provide relevant expertise, skills and knowledge which should be included on your resume.
No matter how you intend to do it, don’t forget to follow the basic rules of good resume writing!
Use proper bullet points; focus on achievement and impact rather than responsibilities; and keep all your formatting consistent.
Temp experiences can be confusing for recruiters, so make sure they’re explained in a way that makes sense and easy to read.
We believe this article has equipped you on how to put temporary work on your resume the best way possibly.
Are you having troubles making your intentions clear via your temporary work experience?
You may want to reach out to a professional resume writer the same way you reach an expert mechanic to fix your damaged car engine.
Consult our expert writers today to make sure your resume reflects your career story and also guide you during a transition in your career.